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The Court directed the Parties to issue a notice because you have a right to know about how the proposed Settlement might affect you, what benefits you might receive under the Settlement, and your rights and options under the Settlement, before the Court decides whether to grant final approval to the Settlement.
This website explains the background of this dispute, the terms of the proposed Settlement, your rights and options, what benefits are provided or available under the Settlement, who is eligible for them, and how to receive them.
The Court in charge of the case is the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida, and the case is known as Perez et al. v. Regal Rexnord Corp. et al., Case No. 2024-015521-CA-01. The people who sued the Defendants are called the Class Representatives, and their names are Luis Perez and Jose Molla. The companies they sued, Regal Rexnord Corporation and Thomson Technology Power Systems ULC, are called the Defendants.
The Class Representatives claim that Thomson’s TSC900 is defective. The TSC900 is intended to automatically turn a generator on when power fails and off when power is restored. The Class Representatives allege that the TSC900 fails to detect when power has been restored and thus fails to turn the generator off.
The Class Representatives also claim that the Defendants’ advertisements, manuals, and representations were false or misleading because the Defendants represented that the TSC900 reliably turns a generator on and off and because the Defendants failed to disclose the alleged defect.
The Defendants deny all of the Class Representatives’ claims.
The Court did not decide who was right in the lawsuit. Instead, the Parties agreed to a Settlement. By agreeing to a Settlement, the Parties avoid the costs and risks of litigation and trial, and compensation and other benefits will be made available to the Class. The Class Representatives and their attorneys believe that the Settlement is in the best interests of Class Members.
A class action is a lawsuit in which one or more individuals sue on behalf of all other people who have similar claims. Collectively, these people are referred to as a “class” or as “class members.” In a class action like this one, a court resolves the legal issues for all class members in one lawsuit, except for those who ask to be excluded from the class.
The Settlement Class includes all persons nationwide who either owned one or more TSC900SCU's that suffered a product failure during their time of ownership or who own one or more TSC900SCU's that were manufactured prior to February 1, 2022. The TSC900SCU is a switch control unit—which is one of the components of the TSC900. Excluded from the Settlement Class are the Defendants and any entities in which the Defendants have a controlling interest; the Defendants’ agents, employees, distributors, or third-party sellers; Class Counsel and Defense Counsel and each of their employees; and any judge to whom the Action is assigned and any member of such judge’s staff and immediate family
If the Settlement is ultimately approved by the Court, it will provide cash payments and other relief to the Settlement Class. Only persons who paid to replace a TSC900SCU as a result of failure of the TSC900SCU are eligible for a cash payment. Only persons who currently own a TSC900SCU manufactured prior to February 1, 2022, are eligible for the Extended Warranty. Eligible Class Members who submit a valid Claim Form will receive a payment or an Extended Warranty. The Defendants have also agreed to pay for the costs of Notice to the Class and the costs to administer the Settlement. In return, the Settlement Class Members release their rights to pursue any claims against the Defendants and related entities arising out of or relating to the factual allegations in the lawsuit.
Each Class Member who (by the Final Effective Date) paid to replace a TSC900SCU as a result of a TSC900SCU failure, is entitled to receive: (1) documented labor costs for replacing the failed TSC900SCU, not to exceed $250 and (2) the greater of (a) 100% of the documented amount paid by the Class Member for the TSC900SCU that failed, not to exceed $2,500; or (b) if the Class Member purchased both a TSC900SCU (the switch control unit) and a TSC900GHC (the touch screen) or a TSC7320 to replace a TSC900SCU that failed, 85% of the documented amount paid by the Settlement Class Member for the TSC900SCU and the TSC900GHC that were replaced, not to exceed $2,500. Class Members must submit a valid Claim Form to receive these benefits.
Each Class Member who currently owns a TSC900SCU manufactured prior to February 1, 2022, is entitled to receive an Extended Warranty covering an additional two years from the date of final approval. The Extended Warranty contains several changes from the Defendants’ standard warranty. For example, under the Extended Warranty, the Defendants must pay the reasonable costs of shipping a TSC900SCU to Thomson for inspection and must reimburse Class Members for up to four hours of documented labor costs of up to $400. Class Members must submit a valid Claim Form to receive these benefits.
To receive a payment or extended warranty, you must complete and submit a valid Claim Form by February 24, 2025. Submit your Claim Forms online by clicking here, or you may obtain a Claim Form by calling (833) 739-0739 or emailing [email protected]. Complete and submit a Claim Form online or mail a Claim Form to:
Perez v. Regal Rexnord Corp.
c/o Kroll Settlement Administration LLC
PO Box 225391
New York, NY 10150-5391
To be valid, your Claim Form must be completed, signed under penalty of perjury, and postmarked or submitted online by no later than February 24, 2025. A Claim Form that is not complete, that is not sent to the correct address, or that is not postmarked or submitted through this Settlement Website within the time specified shall be invalid.
The Claim Form will require you to provide certain information, including your contact information, the date you purchased the TSC900, and whether you are seeking a refund or an Extended Warranty. If you are seeking an Extended Warranty, you must also provide proof of purchase by including (1) the serial number of your TSC900SCU or (2) copies of receipts, invoices, or other documents created by the seller of the product that specify (a) the name of the seller, (b) the date of purchase, and (c) the name and quantity of the product purchased.
If you are seeking monetary relief, you must provide (1) the amounts you paid for your original TSC900 and replacement device and (2) proof of such amounts through copies of receipts, invoices, or other documents created by the seller or servicer that specify (a) the name of the seller or servicer, (b) the date of purchase or repair, (c) the name and quantity of the product purchased or the nature and number of hours of the service provided, and (d) the amount charged for the product or repair (as applicable).
The serial number for your TSC900SCU can be found on the back cover of the TSC900SCU, as shown in the image below.